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Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 January 2017

How to Make Healthy Diet Lime?

Orange is one of the main fruits that have a variety of nutrients that are good for health. Oranges also have a variety of types, and one of them is very well known to have efficacy or benefits for health and one of the main types of citrus lime that both consumed when it is in a weight loss program. These citrus fruits can be beneficial to health so there is make it as drinks, juices and even can be used as a drug to treat several diseases.

How to Make Healthy Diet Lime?

Lime is not only used for a mix of cuisine, but can also dikonumsi like beverage made from lemon this. Not only health benefits, lemon can also be consumed in the diet to lose weight.

Many people are willing to do a variety of ways for losing weight quickly, and often they are wrong in doing the diet program. A diet that suppress appetite and even skip a meal is the wrong way to diet because it can make the body become less fit to cause pain.

Proper diet that is how one can manage your diet and also the portion consumed on a daily basis. If you're on a diet, fat-containing food sources become taboo because it can ruin your diet program even your health.

As is well known that health also have an influence on the shape of the body. Lemon contains are beneficial for the body and can reduce your weight. The trick with the results used to drink water from the steeping lemon routinely.

Vitamin C has a function in removing excess fat and not needed by the body, in addition to vitamin C is also needed to support the health of the body in balancing the daily nutrients the body needs. High acid content in lemon juice can reduce the absorption of sugar from food that previously had been consumed, the fat that settles in the stomach can also consume lemon diluruhkan with this.

In addition to the infusion of lemon water, you can also add honey to get a different taste, honey is still considered one of the main sources of healthy nutrition for honey also has many benefits for health.

By consuming lemon juice to your diet, you do not need to torture your body with the wrong diet program, quite regularly consume these lemon juice in your diet so that the fats present in the body may start to run away from your body. But do not forget to drink water and other healthy foods so the body can remain in a healthy state and can work and berakitivitas normally.

Thank you for reading about diet lemon juice may be useful and can add waswasan about health. You can also read other health articles HarianSehat.Com sites that provide a variety of health-related information every day. Keep always your health and Salam Healthy!

this is the benefits of drinking water warm

drinking water four glasses of the day is a lot of recommended by health experts. but most people drinking water only to eliminate the thirsty alone. even many of them eat cold water to thirst it quickly went from throat. Unfortunately this habit just keep the benefits of water itself to the body. for that it's good in any circumstances, whether thirsty, new build sleep, or after exercise, fluid intake the form of water this should be in the temperature warm. because this is the benefits of drinking water warm for our bodies.

1. lose weight warm water able to keep the metabolism. metabolism awake allows the body to set the energy needs own. for the start ahri with a glass of warm water to metabolism ready quickly. not only that's it, warm water was able to shed fat body potentially raise weight. these tips will be optimal if the consumption of warm water was coupled with lemon.

2. help disorders respiratory
and throat drink warm water can help reduce the symptoms posed by colds, cough and sore throat. warm water able to get rid of disorders respiratory usually caused by the mucus caused by a cold. needless to drug diverse, therapy warm water able to restore the body condition with the first time reduce disorders respiratory and throat when the common cold attack.

3. reduce the menstrual pain for women often complain abdominal pain when it comes month or menstruation, drinking water warm able to reduce pain when 'again many'. effects of warm water able to relieve muscle tension stomach contract when blood dirty. this directly able to reduce pain caused when menstrual.

4. body detoxification described that warm water able to trigger metabolism in order otpimal. metabolism good keep the system secretion of the body to continue spend substances rest of the potential to be a poison in the body. therefore drinking water warm, Moreover, coupled with lemon, able to help the body to issue poison own aka detoxification.

5. prevent aging if toxins are excluded from the body, it is one of the body of the most receive the impact of the good is the skin. the loss of toxins in the body, skin was able to counteract the free radicals dangerous who came when activity. thus, although the age of increased, the skin smooth and fast. skin diseases such as acne, blackheads and others were reluctant to come.

6. growth, vitality, health and hair drink warm water was able to improve the quality of our hair. warm water able to activate the nerves hair so good growth, vitality, health and hair was well preserved. with the benefits of warm water this, even dandruff, let alone lice going away.

7. maintaining the blood circulation and nerve cells if metabolism is nice, then it means blood flow was going to smoothly. even with a nerve cells accompanying. warm water able to keep both well, the origin of consumption a regular basis. with warm water, cholesterol evil clog the flow of blood will be removed naturally

Monday 9 January 2017

Unique Facts Regarding Women Who Rarely Unknown Men

anita multitasking while not all men can do. While women have sensitive hearts because they are weak and men are more powerful. Body of woman and man were created under different conditions. There are facts in which a woman's body is believed to be more powerful than men. Here are five surprising facts about the female body.

1. Women Live Longer
Reporting from Her Beauty, women live longer than men. According to research the average of five years longer. Scientists say most women are better able to control a healthy lifestyle than men. Not only that, a woman's body can fight infection and disease better than men.

2. More Can Multitasking
Women are known to be able to do much work at one time. Not all men can do. Based on the research of The Journal of Neuroscience revealed that women have a corpus callosum (midbrain) is greater. Part of the brain that is responsible for the effectiveness of multitasking. While men have a smaller corpus callosum.

3. The Old The Fast Orgasm
Who says middle-aged women who have not received satisfaction in bercintta? Women over age 40 actually reach orgasm faster than women in their 20s. While men are more at risk of premature ejaculation when getting older.

4. Women Cry 5 Times of Month
Based on data from the study, women cried about five times a month, while men 1.5 times. This is because women have prolactin 50% to 60% higher than men. Prolactin makes tears.

5. Women More Often Nightmare
Women are generally more frequent nightmares of men. University of West England revealed that women worry more mempiliki thus affecting the quality of their sleep. Hence, women are also easier to wake up than men. According to scientists, a woman's brain activity only decreased by 10% during sleep

10 Countries by Population Most not Friendly World

In fact, there are few countries in the world where people have a bad report card in socializing. But these countries are still renowned as a world tourist destination.
The conclusions obtained through research of the Legatum Institute.

The researchers measured the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or a measure for the economic activity of a country. GDP is what ultimately affects 104 pillars of a country, including the political situation, the environment, to the ability of community outreach.

Community outreach identified by the Legatum Institute, including the scope of personal relationships, community participation, and support for social networks.

Quoting the website of The Telegraph, Monday (09/01/2017), 10 countries with a population of the most inhospitable in the world are:

1. Burundi, Central Africa with 35 points from a total of 100 points

2. Yemen, Middle East - 35.82

3. Benin, West Africa - 36

4. Togo, West Africa - 39.43

5. Afghanistan, the Middle East - 39.71

6. Morocco, northern Africa - 39.76

7. Central African Republic - 40.71

8. Angola, West Africa - 41.10

9. Armenia, Europe-Asia - 41, 51
10. China - 41.55

It can be concluded that the majority of countries with a population predicate most inhospitable in the world are the countries involved in the conflict of war.

However, there are also countries that are well-known as a tourist destination like Morocco and China.

Not all countries of the world including the Legatum votes Intitute. Countries such as Bosnia, Burma, and North Korea is not included in the assessment of GDP.

You Experiencing Chest Pain In Left, Beware Here's Some Thing

Many Yag think if the left chest experiencing pain or illness, it is a sign of heart disease. However, the verdict could be wrong, there are other disorders that cause chest pain left.
It's important to know the cause of chest pain left. In addition you will also need to pay attention to the symptoms that go with it. This, so that you can get the right treatment

Health sites, explain if you experience chest pain was the cause that you need to be alert.

1. stress

Stress can cause chest pain left. Uncontrolled stress can cause tightness.


Angina is caused by narrowing of the arteries to the heart, causing abnormal blood flow.

3.Disorders of the Intestine

When gas is formed in the intestines, but the body has not spend it all, the gas to be piling up. It encourages intestinal gas that can arise chest pain. This condition is usually accompanied by symptoms of stomach bloating and frequent belching. Other digestive tract disorders are GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease), there is a backflow of gastric contents into kerongkongan.Gangguan stomach acid can damage the esophagus and cause heartburn.

4. Problems in the Lungs
Lung infections may cause inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) and the membranes around the lungs (pleurisy).

Symptoms that may occur are chest pains on the left, is increasingly felt when breathing and coughing or breathing diiring panting.

In addition to 4 above symptoms, left chest pain may occur because of an injury. It would be nice, if you immediately see a doctor. And provide detailed information about the symptoms you feel. Then, the doctor will mendianogsa, selanjutnyaakan provide appropriate handling.

10 Dragon Fruit Benefits Need to Know

KNOWN also named pitaya, dragon fruit is now becoming one of the most popular tropical fruit. In addition to its unique shape, it tastes good, a lot of the benefits of dragon fruit that may not be known before.

Dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, and essential minerals such as phosphorus, iron, and calcium. The good news for you who are dieting, the dragon fruit contains about 60 calories. This means that you need not fear the dragon fruit damage calorie diet.

After reading the following 10 benefits of dragon fruit, you do not need to hesitate anymore to add dragon fruit in your healthy menu.

1. Source strong antioxidant
Eating foods that contain powerful antioxidants to help your body get rid of all free radicals are also substances that can produce cancer cells. Dragon fruit sources of antioxidants which help reduce the effects of cell-damaging free radicals in the body.

2. Very good for the skin
Many antioxidant content in the dragon fruit is also very effective to keep the skin from premature aging. Eating dragon fruit not only keep your skin toned, but also to keep it looking young and healthy. Besides consumed, you can also get the benefits of dragon fruit's skin by making it a face mask. Combine dragon fruit with honey, apply on the skin for 15-20 minutes. It becomes a natural way of alternatives to anti-aging masks are expensive.

3. Streamlining the circulatory system
In a world full of busy and stressful, many people have serious problems with the health of the circulatory system. Eat a dragon fruit can help you maintain a healthy circulatory system by reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. The fruit is also rich in monounsaturated fats that keep the heart is always in the best condition.

4. Helps control blood sugar levels
Dragon fruit is a fantastic source of fiber, therefore very helpful in stabilizing glucose levels in the blood by pressing a spike in blood sugar. But for people with diabetes, make sure you consult a doctor before putting in your diet.

5. Digestion
As previously mentioned, dragon fruit is a fantastic source of fiber. Fiber is very beneficial to cleanse the digestive system, improve the digestive system is not good, and cure constipation.

6. Moisturize skin sunburned
Scorched skin sunburn -sehabis swimming, for example, sometimes quite disturbing appearance. To restore the charred skin color, mix dragon fruit with honey and cucumber and rub into the skin is blackened. Because the dragon fruit is high in vitamin B3, it releases heat and humidify sunburned skin.

7. Treating Acne
The content of vitamin C in fruit dragon allows him to treat acne. Puree a few pieces of dragon fruit, apply on face, then rinse with water. Do it twice a day for maximum results.

8. Relieve arthritis
One of the best health benefits of dragon fruit, help relieve arthritis or arthritis. Dragon fruit is known as an anti-inflammatory fruit that is recommended for people who suffer from arthritis to add dragon fruit in their healthy eating menu.

9. Good for eye health
Dragon fruit is also rich in vitamin A in the form of carotene required retina of the eye. Most problems in the eye, in particular loss of vision associated with age, due to lack of vitamin A. Eating dragon fruit can improve your eye sight, so make sure you include it in your diet.

10. Keeping the hair moisture
Looking for an effective way to keep the moisture in your hair? Apply a dragon fruit juice on the scalp, then rinse after 15-20 minutes. This treatment helps protect the hair moisture, especially colored hair are painted with chemicals and will make it smooth and healthy.

Urban All Population Women Need Men Now


A small town, Noiva do Cordeiro, Menas Gerais, Brazil, has 600 inhabitants who are all women, which according to many people to have a beautiful face. The female citizens aged 20-35 years. They now miss the presence of single men, who are willing to stay in town with the rules of the women.
Just as quoted by, most of these women are already married. However, their husbands work away from home and should only be returned at the weekend.

Meanwhile, the boys were asked to leave the city when he was 18 years old and there was no other man allowed to stay in the town located in a secluded valley, about 96 kilometers from the city of Belo Horizonte.

The city stands in the 1890s, when a young woman named Maria Senhorinha de Lima and his family ostracized by the local Catholic church for alleged adultery.

Slowly, more and more single women and mothers to join the community. In 1940, a pastor Anisio Pereira to marry a young woman aged 16 years and founded the church in the community.
However, the pastor Anisio then apply strict rules, which prohibit residents drink, listen to music, get a haircut, or use contraceptives.

When pastors Anisio died in 1995, these women have decided to no longer let him dictate their lives. One of the first things they do is dissolve religious organizations that are considered gender bias.
Now, women in power in the small town. They do everything themselves, from farming, planned development of the city, up to religious rituals.

However, residents Noive de Cordeiro faced a major problem, that although these women are flawless, they had trouble finding a life partner. Nelma Fernandes (23), a resident of the city, admitted finding a partner is almost impossible for the women of this city.

"Here, men can be found the girls singles if it is not already married or are related to us. I had never kissed a man, "said Nelma.

"We all dream to fall in love and get married. However, we also prefer to stay here and do not want to leave the city for the sake of looking for a husband, "he continued.

Shortage of single men now create a community of beautiful women invite men, which of course is willing to adapt to the world of women, to stay in the small town.

"We want to know the man who wanted to leave their lives and become part of us. However, first they must agree to obey our commands and live according to our rules, "said Nelma.

Although it has long pioneered disperse church pastor Anisio, the women of this city feel like they never left God.

"We have God in our hearts. However, we think we do not need to go to church, get married in front of a minister, or baptize our children. All are rules made by men, "said Rosalee Fernandes (49).

Rosalee sure in many ways women are much better than men. He said that, in the hands of women, city Noiva do Cordeiro much prettier, more organized and more peaceful than if the city was run by men.