In fact, there are few countries in the world where people have a bad report card in socializing. But these countries are still renowned as a world tourist destination.
The conclusions obtained through research of the Legatum Institute.
The researchers measured the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or a measure for the economic activity of a country. GDP is what ultimately affects 104 pillars of a country, including the political situation, the environment, to the ability of community outreach.
Community outreach identified by the Legatum Institute, including the scope of personal relationships, community participation, and support for social networks.
Quoting the website of The Telegraph, Monday (09/01/2017), 10 countries with a population of the most inhospitable in the world are:
1. Burundi, Central Africa with 35 points from a total of 100 points
2. Yemen, Middle East - 35.82
3. Benin, West Africa - 36
4. Togo, West Africa - 39.43
5. Afghanistan, the Middle East - 39.71
6. Morocco, northern Africa - 39.76
7. Central African Republic - 40.71
8. Angola, West Africa - 41.10
9. Armenia, Europe-Asia - 41, 51
10. China - 41.55
It can be concluded that the majority of countries with a population predicate most inhospitable in the world are the countries involved in the conflict of war.
However, there are also countries that are well-known as a tourist destination like Morocco and China.
Not all countries of the world including the Legatum votes Intitute. Countries such as Bosnia, Burma, and North Korea is not included in the assessment of GDP.