drinking water four glasses of the day is a lot of recommended by health experts. but most people drinking water only to eliminate the thirsty alone. even many of them eat cold water to thirst it quickly went from throat. Unfortunately this habit just keep the benefits of water itself to the body. for that it's good in any circumstances, whether thirsty, new build sleep, or after exercise, fluid intake the form of water this should be in the temperature warm. because this is the benefits of drinking water warm for our bodies.
1. lose weight warm water able to keep the metabolism. metabolism awake allows the body to set the energy needs own. for the start ahri with a glass of warm water to metabolism ready quickly. not only that's it, warm water was able to shed fat body potentially raise weight. these tips will be optimal if the consumption of warm water was coupled with lemon.
2. help disorders respiratory
and throat drink warm water can help reduce the symptoms posed by colds, cough and sore throat. warm water able to get rid of disorders respiratory usually caused by the mucus caused by a cold. needless to drug diverse, therapy warm water able to restore the body condition with the first time reduce disorders respiratory and throat when the common cold attack.
3. reduce the menstrual pain for women often complain abdominal pain when it comes month or menstruation, drinking water warm able to reduce pain when 'again many'. effects of warm water able to relieve muscle tension stomach contract when blood dirty. this directly able to reduce pain caused when menstrual.
4. body detoxification described that warm water able to trigger metabolism in order otpimal. metabolism good keep the system secretion of the body to continue spend substances rest of the potential to be a poison in the body. therefore drinking water warm, Moreover, coupled with lemon, able to help the body to issue poison own aka detoxification.
5. prevent aging if toxins are excluded from the body, it is one of the body of the most receive the impact of the good is the skin. the loss of toxins in the body, skin was able to counteract the free radicals dangerous who came when activity. thus, although the age of increased, the skin smooth and fast. skin diseases such as acne, blackheads and others were reluctant to come.
6. growth, vitality, health and hair drink warm water was able to improve the quality of our hair. warm water able to activate the nerves hair so good growth, vitality, health and hair was well preserved. with the benefits of warm water this, even dandruff, let alone lice going away.
7. maintaining the blood circulation and nerve cells if metabolism is nice, then it means blood flow was going to smoothly. even with a nerve cells accompanying. warm water able to keep both well, the origin of consumption a regular basis. with warm water, cholesterol evil clog the flow of blood will be removed naturally