Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Kota Solo Memiliki 5 Keunikan Yang Tersimpan Sampai Saat Ini Masih Belum Diketahui

(foto@ HERKI001)

All- News-- ingin datang berlibur ke kota yang penuh dengan wisata dan catatan sejarah, kota Solo adalah asalah satu ibu kota yang sangat disayangkan jika dilewatkan. mengapa? lataran kota solo merupakan kawasan yang kaya akan wisata sejarah dan budaya. tak heran banyak maskapai penerbangan maupun bus malam yang mulai gencar membuka trayek menuju kota Solo tersebut.

terutama kota Solo merupakan tempat lahir dari bapak Presiden saat ini, pada dekade terkahir kota Solo diam-diam merangkak naik dalam segi wisata sejarah dan budayanya. bagi para pecinta traveler tak usah panik dan ragu datang mengunjungi kota ini, dari fasilitas dan akomodasi sudahlah sangat mendukung. nantinya disetiap sudut kota dan objek wisata kota Solo sudah tersedia banyak penginapan, mulai dari yang murah maupun yang berbintang lima.

nah, sebelum anda tertarik dengan kota Solo ada baiknya anda mengenal lima fakta menarik dari Kota Solo, apa itu? simak lebih lanjut.

1. kota asri dan ternyaman untuk dihuni
kenapa disini All News menyebutnya sebagai kota yang layak untuk dihuni, banyak dari pengunjung dan tim All News sendiri menganggap nyaman karena Kota Solo adalah Kota yang terletak di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, yang mayoritas kebanyak penduduknya adalah masyarakat Jawa. hal tersebut didukung dengan adanya sebuah kerajaan hasil dari perpecahan saudara dari Yogyakarta yakni Keraton Surakarta. tak heran pemerintah Kota Solo pun menyematkan semboyan Kota Solo "Berseri" yang kepanjangan dari "Bersih, Sehat, Rapi, dan Indah" sebagai selogan ketenangan Kota Solo.

2. pasar loak terkenal Di Indonesia
Kota Solo bukan hanya memilki pasar modern seperti mall dan supermarket, uniknya do kota ini terdapat pasar loak yang begitu terkenal. yaitu Pasar Klithikan Notoharjo, yang dibangun pada tahun 2006 oleh pemerintah Surakarta. Pasar ini terletak di Kalurahan Semanggi, Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon, Kota Surakarta, di atas lahan seluas 1.800m2.
kegunanaan pasar ini berfumgsi sebagai penggerak roda perekonomian warga kota Solo, yang digunakan untuk menampung  pedagang kaki lima diarea Taman Monumen 45 Banjarsari yang berjumlah 909 pedagang. masyarakat pun akrab memanggil pasar ini dengan pasar Klitikan, yang artiya sebagai pasar pusat penjualan barang bekas. seperti elektronik, pakaian, ponsel, sparepart kendaraan dan barang-barang lainnya. Pasar ini cukup unik karena di sini pengunjung bisa menemukan barang-barang bekas layak pakai

3. memiliki dua dua keraton
kota Solo jika dirunut dari peran sejarah tidak bisa lepas begitu saja, pasalnya kota dulu masih bersatu dengan kerajaan mataram. yang kemudian pada zaman Belanda masuk yang berniat untuk memecah belah kerajaan, munculah sebauh perjanjian yang bernam "Gianti" yang kahirnya pada saat itu kerajaam mataram terbelah menjadi dua blok barat dan blok timur, yakni blok timur keraton Surakarta dan blok barat keraton Yogyakarta.
yang kemudian didalangi dengan bebagai permasalahan akhirnya keraton Surakarta pun kembali pecah, yakni Kasunanan Surakarta dan Keraton Mangkunegaran Surakarta yang berjarak hanya sekira 11 km. meskipun kedua keraton ini sudah tak menjalankan roda pemerintahannya seperti dulu namun masih tetap menganut tradisi dan budaya salah satunya ialah masih digunakannya sebutan sultan dan abdi dalem di dalam istana.

4. Fashion Batik yang melegenda
sudah menjadi legenda itu memang tepat jika kita sematkan pada tardisi Batik Indonesia, Kota Solo salah satunya yang memiliki ciri Khas motif Batik yang melegenda. yakni motif Parang Kusumo dan Truntum, motif Truntum jika digambarkan motifnya seperti pola kecil-kecil yang kemudian membesar.
selanjutnya motif batik Parang Kusumo, motif ini adalah motif yang biasa digunakan kaum bangsawan kerajaan yakni keraton Surakarta. jika ingin mencirikan motif ini, dapat dengan mudah dilihat adanya lajur motif diagonal yang dilukis dari bawah ke atas. yang mengkiaskan bahwa yang menggunakan motif batik ini masih bersangkutan dengan keturunan raja.

5. wisata kereta tua
pernah nda merasakan bagaimana rasanya naik kereta tua, di Kota Solo ada hal menarik dari moda transportasi darat tersebut. pasalnya kota ini dahulu adalah penghubung jalur dari daerah barat ke timur di pulau Jawa, maka tak heran kota ini masih menyimpan saksi bisu dari kebangkitan teknologi transportasi yang sampai saat ini digunkan untuk sarana edukasi dan wisata Kota Solo. (Wahyu E.S)

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Do This in Bathroom Make Men Erection Longer

Make sure you always keep your teeth if you want to look great while making love. A study of China revealed that dental health risks associated with erectile dysfunction in men.

In a study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research found, men who experience chronic periodontitis risk of erection problems.

Periodontitis is an inflammation of the gums due to plaque buildup caused by factors

such as poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, age or genetics.

"If you want an erection longer, avoid stress, reduce alcohol, and check any medications that may have side effects," said Dr Pixie McKenna, launch Dailystar.co.uk, Monday (09/01/2016).

Also avoid driving motorcycles long distance and quit drugs. These two things can increase the risk of erectile dysfunction.

"Eliminating the factors that negatively impact your erection is very important. There is also a choice of medications that can help, but to prevent it is the best choice," he said.

Even so, Pixie did not dismiss if the psychological condition of the man also affect the ability of erection such as fatigue, stress, anxiety and depression.

Sometimes these symptoms appear because of health conditions related to heart and blood vessels, such as diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure.

"If you already have a diagnosis of heart disease or diabetes, make sure optimally manage the disease. Eating healthy can help you last longer during sex in bed," he concluded.

Identify Unexpected Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has long been known efficacy for beauty. But not many people realize the potential of aloe vera for health.

History People assume that aloe vera is a magic potion that can cure various diseases such as burns and cancer. Because the aloe gel containing bio-active compounds such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids.

Aloe vera also contains polyphenols which can inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause infections in the body. Consuming aloe vera gel can also speed the healing of canker sores and gum disease.

Here are the unexpected benefits of aloe vera you should know as reported Boldsky page.

1. Remove poison
Aloe vera is rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Consuming aloe vera regularly can facilitate the digestive system and naturally remove toxins from the body.

2. Boost the immune system
Aloe vera enriched with polysaccharides that can improve the immune system. Aloe vera is also known to slow the inflammatory process that makes you do not easily fall sick while eating them.

3. Lowering Cholesterol
Several studies have shown that aloe vera has positive effects regulate blood sugar levels and cholesterol. In turn consume aloe vera can help lower bad cholesterol in the body.

4. Streamlining the digestive system
You who have problems with the digestive system in the morning, rutinlah consume aloe vera. This thorny plants can facilitate the digestive system and overcome constipation naturally. Substances in the aloe latex is that is predicted to have a laxative effect is stunning.

5. Overcoming burns
Aloe vera has the ability to cope with severe burns. The content of hyaluronic acid in it can increase collagen production and helps rejuvenate the skin after burns.

6. Coping with ulcer
Aloe vera can also be a natural remedy for heartburn. A study said, the content of polyphenols in the role of aloe vera soothes inflammation in the gastric mucosa so that an ulcer can be resolved naturally.

5 Symptoms of Brain Tumors Often Occur However Rarely Realized

Until now, brain tumors still be one of the most feared diseases. These tumors can strike anyone of age infants, children and adults or the elderly. It also can happen anytime and anywhere. Although during this brain tumor disease has claimed thousands, even millions of lives, of many sufferers admitted they never realized that if they experience symptoms of brain tumor risk.
Quoted from page bolsky.com, actually there are some common symptoms that often occur in the risk of brain tumors. And indeed, unfortunately, these symptoms are rarely recognized by the sufferer. As for some of these symptoms include:
Tingling / Numb

The most common symptoms that occur from the risk of brain tumors are tingling or numbness. Can Tingling in the hands, feet or around the body without an obvious cause. Besides tingling, some members of the body will suddenly numb.


During this time, the nausea has become a common symptom of any risk of tumors and cancer. Including the risk of brain tumors. But unfortunately, many patients with tumors and cancers are not aware that he felt nausea that often is a symptom of the tumor. Ladies, if you often experience nausea, vomiting and abdominal bloating want without any apparent reason, try to check your health more yes.

Given difficult

Further symptoms of brain tumor risk is hard to remember. Furthermore, often dreamy, unfocused, suddenly forgetting the promises that have been made, it is difficult to remember important events and the like are also an early symptom of a brain tumor or cancer risk.

The views Fleeing

The eyes are often vague when used to look or see when the eyes are healthy and do not have a problem? It could be a symptom of brain tumor risk. Immediately consult your health more if you experience blurry eyes without apparent cause.

difficulty Speaking

Symptoms of brain tumors following are difficulty speaking. Patients with brain tumors will have problems in the brain. There are some tumor cells and cancer that attacks the brain and eventually interfere with the cognitive abilities of patients included interfere with the ability to speak and perform similar activities.

Ladies, that some of the symptoms of brain tumors that often occur but rarely realized. In addition to the above symptoms, other symptoms that often happens is the brain or head and face is painful to experience severe pain. If you experience the above symptoms, be sure to immediately see a doctor and find out your health. Treating and preventing the tumor from the start was very good and important. Hopefully this information is helpful.

Man United Being on the Right Path

Former Portugal coach, Carlos Queiroz, was the loyal supporters of Manchester United do not need to worry about the final position in the standings ladder.

Because, Queiroz felt the current Man Untied are on the right track.
In the summer of 2016-2017, Manchester Red arrival of the new coach.

Jose Mouriho which is believed to menukangi Wayne Rooney et al.
Had to bring up with some victories early in the season, Mourinho heavily criticized when experiencing a phase of decline. But this time, The Special One, nicknamed Mourinho- again showed his cold hands.

Man United are now unbeaten in their last 11 games in the Premier League. Even the club, based in Old Trafford is able to clean sweep with a victory in six games terkhir. Queiroz said he was happy with the result.

"As fans of Manchester United, who have a lot of friends at the club, so nice to see them get a positive result," Queiroz explained, as quoted by ESPN, Tuesday (10/01/2017).